Greetings, dear readers! I realize it's been a helluva long time since I blessed you with my musings and witticisms, so I figured it was about time to drop some truth.
Specifically, I'd like to update everyone on the current status of Blood and Fire: The Unbelievable True Story of Wrestling's Original Sheik. It's a project I'm extremely passionate about, and have been slaving over for nearly a year now. The first-ever biography of Ed Farhat, one of professional wrestling's true trailblazers and pioneers, it's on its way from ECW Press, the Canadian publisher known for its excellent and widely read wrestler biographies. I'm honored to be working with them, and have been hard at work creating a product both they and I can be proud of.
The original plan was for a spring 2021 release date, with the manuscript being delivered in November 2020. Alas, those plans were made months before the global pandemic played havoc with all our lives! What's that they say about making plans and God laughing? Well, you get the idea. In other words, my progress has been a bit slowed, but have no fear--I am still hard at work, and am as of right now smack dab in the middle of the actual writing phase, with five out of 18 chapters in the can.
After speaking with the good folks over at ECW, my manuscript deadline has been extended to March 2021. From there, we will begin the process of acquiring photography, laying out the text, proofreading, etc., with a projected publication date of SPRING 2022. A little later than expected, but it's still on the way, baby! All you Sheik fans, and even those of you who wanna know what the hell the big deal was with this guy, sit tight--Blood and Fire is coming!
As you await your Sheik fix, feel free to follow my Twitter @brianrsolomon, or search "Pro Wrestling FAQ" on Facebook for more updates!